
For Kingdom women, social entrepreneurs and pioneers

The Deborah conference


Register below for future Deborah Conference information and information about new initiatives.

‘Ask of Me, and I will give you the nations for your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for your possession’. (Psalm 2:8).

#globalentrepreneurs #TDCglobal #nationsourinheritance #mightydeborahs

Christ Centered

Business education


Awake O Deborah Awake (Judges 5)

The Deborah Conference is a global boutique conference founded in 2016 by Maree Cutler-Naroba Dream Nurturer, Business Strategist, Writer and Child Protection Advocate to inspire Christian Women Entrepreneurs to live a business life of passionate pursuit and purpose wrapped in His presence.

Gals I look forward to hosting you at a TDC Event soon! 



Awake O Deborah Awake (Judges 5)

The Deborah Conference is a global boutique conference founded in 2016 by Maree Cutler-Naroba Dream Nurturer, Business Strategist, Writer and Child Protection Advocate to inspire Christian Women Entrepreneurs to live a business life of passionate pursuit and purpose wrapped in His presence.

Kingdom women social entrepreneurs and pioneers.

The Deborah Conference is a boutique global conference educating and championing Kingdom women social entrepreneurs and pioneers.

What is a social entrepreneur? 

A person who explores business opportunities that have a positive impact on their community, in society or in the world; profit for purpose.

A business that impacts beyond today and leaves a legacy across the nations, for the generations to come.


Thanks for waking me up!

What an awesome weekend of God encounters and real life stories, showing the full range of how God uses everything for His glory.

Thanks Deborah Retreat team for waking me up into some of the gifts that I had forgotten about. Awesome to meet so many encouraging women from around the country, to share stories, pray together and get fresh vision for our next steps.

Mary Crampton (Wellington, NZ)

Encouragement, Inspiration, and new Friendships

What a glorious weekend! It was filled with encouragement, inspiration, and new friendships—not just with sisters in Christ, but with fellow women of faith in business! This gathering has been a long time coming, and it felt like the perfect moment to bring us all together. I loved the connections, the chance to share where the Lord has me in my business journey, and those “aha” moments about where I believe He’s leading me next.

The speakers were amazing, and because it was a boutique event, we had the chance to meet and interact with everyone, truly savouring the genuineness of the women who shared the vulnerable parts of their business journeys. It was such a warm, relatable experience.

Maree and Nic, please come back to NZ—I’ll definitely be there next year! 

Tania Hassounia (Hamilton, NZ)

Challenged to get back into the Business World

Through taking part in The Deborah Conference Virtual Summit, God has challenged me to trust in Him to get back into the business world to share my knowledge and talents; plus to be an encourager for other women to step out.

Trish King (Perth, Australia)

All the way from Israel

Hi Maree I wanted to personally say thank you for the gift of this summit! I received this gift through Marianne Peterson and have longed for a Biblical perspective to business for 3 years now!!! I live in Israel, and “devorah” (the “b” and “v”  in Hebrew are the same letter ״ב״) is truly the Hebrew word for bee! Seeing the image of the bee in your introduction also communicated to me the fact that it is the bee that creates sweet honey!

Amen! Let it bee!!!!! God bless you!!!!

Angelina Francesca (Israel)

Just wish it had been longer!

Fantastic weekend. Great speakers, friendships made, so much food and stunning location. Just wish it had been longer. Was inspired, nudged to move ahead and even some unexpected prophetic words which frankly I’d never considered.

Looking forward to developing the friendships made and becoming a “mighty Deborah”. Thank you so much Maree, Nic and team for bringing it to NZ. We are truly blessed.

Glennis Mason (New Zealand) 

A Diligent Deborah

All the Deborah conferences have helped me to grow spiritually and trust God with the future of my business. The most valuable lessons from for me were to become a diligent Deborah, a servant in God’s Kingdom a peacemaker, being a woman who places her trust in God, seeks His guidance and uses her God-given abilities to work for His Glory.

Adina Weins (Adelaide, Australia) 

Amazing Day!

I had the amazing privilege to be able to attend The Deborah Conference. With a selection of peer speakers from around the country, bringing a bit of education, a bit of their journey and experience and loads of encouragement, it was truly an inspiring day!

Melissa Ahiquist, Perth


TDC was brilliant and I loved meeting each women. I took away fabulous insights and precious nuggets.

Brenda Tsiaousis, Hobart


The Deborah Conference was BRILLIANT. So good to experience an event with so many women sharing their incredible stories and their special business tips. Super practical and very relevant.

Ferial Reynolds, Adelaide




Please support the building of Agape Star Christian School, Buikwe District, Uganda. For details about the school CLICK HERE and to donate CLICK HERE.

ASCS is under the Barnabas Legacy Children’s Dream Foundation. Maree Cutler-Naroba is Board Chair of the School and a Director of BLCDF, Uganda.

The School was officially opened by TDC Founder Maree Cutler Naroba in Uganda.

10% of Conference Ticket sales go directly to Agape Star Christian School.


get in touch


+61 488 077 034 

Port Hedland, Western Australia, 6722


The Deborah Conference mission is to raise up a Global Generation of Mighty Deborahs, awakening Christian Women Entrepreneurs to shift the course of History via Christ-Centered Business Education.