For Kingdom women, social entrepreneurs and pioneers
The Deborah conference
Register below for future Deborah Conference information and information about new initiatives.
‘Ask of Me, and I will give you the nations for your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for your possession’. (Psalm 2:8).
#globalentrepreneurs #TDCglobal #nationsourinheritance #mightydeborahs
Christ Centered
Business education
Deborah was one who received fresh mandates from heaven, and though she knew how evil the oppression of King Jabin was, she also knew that with God anything is possible!. Something in Deborah knew how to pull on the resources of heaven, stand in the counsels of the Lord (Jeremiah 23) and open her mouth and let Him fill it (Psalm 81:10).
Passionate Pursuit | Purpose | His Presence
Seeing in the heavens and moving with prophetic proclamations, Deborah released the warrior angels of the Lord to fight ancient demonic principalities. Deborah knew the enemy’s schemes and helped to empower the war in the heavens, destroying the enemy. She brought holy reversal to the evil plans. In her moment of crisis,
As a prophetess and military strategist, Deborah called the nation to war. She was a military strategist who not only wielded the hand of God but also operated with the heart of God. You see, Deborah was a deliverer! She loved the people and they loved her. She delivered them from a great enemy.
Our Mandate
Shifting the course of history
For Deborah, intercession was a dialogue in which she began to download strategic war plans, blue prints from heaven, and keys to open doors that no man can shut and shut doors that no man can open (Isaiah 22:22). Deborah decreed the Word of the Lord and creation bowed to her command. Her prayers and military governmental leadership shifted the course of history and saved the nation of Israel.

Now is the time for #mightydeborah’s to arise!
Below are some recent Prophetic words that have resonated with who we are as Mighty Deborahs to encourage, empower and champion you into new seasons in God.
Click on the icon on the right to open each Prophecy. Be blessed!
It is an army of God’s daughters, coming to claim their inheritance.
I can feel the ground shaking as they march together in unison, sending shockwaves into the enemy’s camp for they come to retrieve their territory.
I can see their eyes burning with a fierce passion for their Beloved, they are moving in response to His call. His call is one of urgency, like a drum beating with the sounds of war whose notes are echoing out across the four corners of the earth. His voice calls out to His daughters, “rise up my daughters, rise up! I am releasing the mantles of Deborah and Esther to rest upon you in this hour. This is your moment. I am giving your enemies into your hands.”
Read the Prophecy Transcript HERE.
Dr JoLynne Whittaker Ministries // 14th May 2024
Mantles are falling and assignments are being given. Strategic partnerships are forming for such a time as this and Heaven is sending revelation. Anointing’s are increasing, battles are being won, and territories are being taken.
Against a backdrop of lawlessness, political corruption, violent cities and governmental espionage, DEBORAH AROSE AND GOD USED HER TO IMPACT THINGS.
She was no common woman.
Deborah was a woman of God, she was a wife, she was a prophet, she was known for her wisdom, she had a location, and she functioned as a judge. She made hard decisions and got it done. God put uncommon men of bravery and strength around her and Deborah did highly uncommon things.
LIKE DEBORAH, certain things won’t change in your world until you ARISE. Certain things won’t happen at all until you arise a MOTHER. PEOPLE ARE WAITING ON YOU TO ARISE!
The destiny God ordained for your life requires you to flow in a renewed and anointed version of yourself. And if you’re a man, I prophesy your uncommon Kingdom woman or strategic partner will soon locate you. In the name of Jesus.
There was violence –
There were lawless cities –
It was unsafe to go on certain roads –
I prophesy God is going to use you to be the pushback, the anointed vessel, THE CHANGE.
Lana Vawser // 10th March 2021
Maree Cutler Naroba // 25th February 2021
Cheree Morton // February 2021

Christy Johnston // February 2021

Deborah has been a theme for me of late… and in light of today’s equality act passing in the House, I’m realizing more and more, just why.
I’ve been working on a spoken prophetic word about Deborah (hoping to release it soon… but never have I had more complications & technical issues arise with a prophetic word – and I have such small windows of time at the moment
In the meantime, I wanted to release this simple declaration over you: I see the mantle of Deborah and Esther alike, resting upon the daughters of God in this hour. Never before (in our lifetime anyway) have we faced such violent opposition to the family… God is raising up an army of daughters as defenders and protectors of our territory. I for one, will not be silent.
I see courage resting upon you, daughter. Divine courage from above. Step into it, this is your hour. Speak. Shout. Pray and declare! If God is for us, who dare be against us?! Deborah, arise!
Denise Sylvia Bekker // April 2020
? Bee Diffusion!
‘Mighty Deborah’s are Arising! God is using them as Diffuses, spreading out, transferring and interconnecting. They are strong in battle, wielding a ‘sting’ in warfare..rendering the enemy powerless! O death where is your sting? Thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through The Lord Jesus Christ. Deborah’s represent the Abundant Life in Him and intercept the sting of death which is sin and has already been beat! The Deborah Mantle is a Mantle of Diffusion within The Body. Golden Honey Oil is flowing, saturating and infusing Liquid Gold Anointing of God as a garment. The Song of Deborah depicts the Influence of her Mantle. She was the wife of ‘Lapidat’, Eshet Lapidat translates..Woman of Torches or Fiery Woman! In todays translation..An Anointing Carrier in the order of Elijah! She was a Judge, Prophetess and Mother to Israel. God is awakening His Deborah’s!
They inspire The Army, Declare The Truth and know The Times. Her weapon is The Word. In ancient Hebrew ‘Dibberah’ means..”She Spoke!” Also means..Bee..Just like a queen bee, she raises up the swarm for battle, sends out drones to protect the hive, and conquer new territory!
In All Glory she gives Praise to The Lord. She esteems all who lay down there lives as a living sacrifice. Deborah’s sing A New Song in the order of The Royal Priesthood..Holy and True! Activating the Army of Hosts..Diffusing Prophetic Army Mobilisation. For she ‘knows’ her All Powerful Lord God of Israel. A Mother of Israel, she arose to infuse life into all. War at the gates, foreign gods destroyed! Upon her Mantle is the Righteousness of Christ, she uplifts those in Godly reign and leadership.
Her Song is..Awake Awake, Prophecy of His Great Grace! Even The Stars in Heaven are activated.. and in their courses the Stars/Angels do fight! Behold! Mantles of Deborah as spiritual pollination moves over territories and nations…even cross-pollination! This shall bring forth New Era Word of The Lord, New Kingdom Strategies! Yes..spiritual seeding, viable, strengthened and have power in re-seeding like kind. Thus a Great Harvest!
Another meaning of Deborah in Hebrew is, Formalizer! This Mantle gives Form and Shape..too the New Things of The Kingdom. As being proper and official, thus carrying The Seal of Approval by The Lord Jesus Christ. Deborah – verb – Dabar in Hebrew – to formalise and pronounce. Now, this sounds like..word and deed! Prophetic Action!
The Mantle of Deborah diffuses into The Body of Christ..manifests, establishes power, prophetic mandates and spiritual divine information directed from The Throne Room of God..where the foundation is of Gold. Golden Oil Honey saturates The Mantle of His Presence.
Let us be poured out as a liquid, spread out that we may infuse wide areas. For thy Kingdom come O Lord, And the Honey Oil will be as salve to our eyes in order that we may See the Abundance of Your Glory of All in All! Father be Glorified!’
Ezekiel 3:3 Rev 10:9
#DeborahMantle #MatrixOil #IncorruptibleHoney #ScrollPropheticHoney ??
Denise Sylvia Bekker, April 2020 (NZ Christian Writer and Poetist)
Nate Johnston // 27th March 2020
Deborahs where are you? For the last three days I’ve been hearing in my spirit “Deborahs rise up, there’s a breaker in your shout!” and sensing that there is something so potent on what God is speaking through and to mighty women of God around the earth right now.
Deborah In the bible was a prophetess who led the Israelites out of oppression into one of the most incredible victories and I believe God is raising up a generation of Deborahs that will stand in the face of opposition, press and pray through the storm, prophesy the victory, and take down strongholds and principalities.
Deborah means “bee” and denotes the SOUND that is released through the sound of their wings, but also the sweetness of honey in their words, the healing, the nurture, and the LIFE and sustenance it contains. But the bee also has a powerful sting and gives its life to disable its enemy. In the same way this describes the powerful purpose these voices have in the earth.. and why it’s so crucial right now!
But can I just upfront for a moment? There has been an assignment to shut down the voices of female prophets, through insecurity, comparison, and competition, and so many deborahs right now have been feeling frustrated and confused because they have a sound, a voice in side of them they need to release but it’s been suppressed. There is a deficit of female prophets BEING HEARD right now. Who will hear them? Who will accomodate them?
Deborahs can I simply encourage you today to lift your voice. I break off every muzzle and where you felt silenced and squashed. I speak healing where you were suppressed by men, wounded by men’s-club Christianity, or stung by queen bee’s trying to protect their territory in Jesus name. The father gives you permission today to lift your voice, in fact the world is crying out for it, and we need you right now because your shout carries the remedy.
Deborahs Arise.
Pastor Veronica Masinde // August 2019
THE CALL FOR THE DEBORAH GENERATION TO WAKE UP & COME FORTH IS #GLOBAL! Pastor Veronica says ‘Deborah was an incredible woman of faith in her day. She was a judge, prophet, valiant warrior, governmental leader, all in one package. She knew God’s timing and nature to deliver His people from oppression, and received God’s wisdom and strategy to bring victory to her nation. The Deborahs of God are arising! They are mounting up together to ride and say, “We will feed the poor, take care of the orphans, preach the gospel, help eradicate poverty, and free slaves and those bound in prostitution! We will have a voice in our nations.’
The call is announced for the Deborah Generation to wake up! ‘In our desire to make a difference as women, we must learn to speak God’s voice against the forces of darkness and claim the promises from God’s Word in the face of impossibility. When we believe, nothing is impossible to us. No demon can stand before us. Isaiah 30: 31 says: “For through the voice of the Lord shall the Assyrian be beaten down.” In other words, when we prophesy God’s Word or release God’s voice, every enemy is beaten down and utterly defeated. Woman Arise and Take your Place!’
Pastor Veronica Masinde, Bethel Covenant Connection Church, Uganda, August 2019
Lana Vawser // 12th August 2017
“MOMENTUM ………Some strategies I will have you lay your hands to in this season may seem completely opposite to what you imagined, they may not make sense in the natural, but follow My leading, follow My prompting. Don’t follow what you have done before, or what you think will work, follow the blueprint I will release to you, strategies I will give you through My Word, and you will see MORE breakthrough and fruitfulness, favour and increase in those strategies than the ways that could be manufactured. The season upon the body of Christ is glorious, what I am doing and how I am going to show up in greater ways will leave you in awe, but you must make room through your surrender to Me.” Extract, Prophetic Word, Lana Vawser, 12 August 2017.
Darren Canning Ministries // 18 July 2017
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+61 488 077 034
Port Hedland, Western Australia, 6722
The Deborah Conference mission is to raise up a Global Generation of Mighty Deborahs, awakening Christian Women Entrepreneurs to shift the course of History via Christ-Centered Business Education.