Ladies, Do you often feel stiff, sore and sluggish while working away for hours on end at your computer? ☹
Sadly, you’re not alone.
Even worse, feeling this way becomes many people’s ‘Normal’.
Yet it doesn’t have to be that way!
The strain, drain and pain of sitting at your desk doesn’t have to hold you back from feeling amazing and being all that you are created to be!
Busy business women often struggle to find time to fit in the movement they need to stay healthy, maintain their weight and be physically strong and supple enough to keep up their hectic pace, without undue strain on their bodies.
By following 5 quick and easy principles you can, however, turn your daily grind around- from feeling slumpy (and grumpy) to smiling and smashing it! ☺
I’ve taken what’s worked best with my clients throughout 20+years of being a physiotherapist and bundled it up into the most essential and effective things you can do to ‘Be Fit 2 Sit’ – that is, to feel your best and & be more productive at your desk!
…And I’m so excited to share my Five simple steps to being ‘Fit 2 Sit’ with attendees of the 2019 Deborah Conference!
You’ll feel equipped and empowered in
- How, when, why and just how little it takes to boost your energy levels, brainpower and fat-burning potential while sitting.
- Practical Posture Tips to position yourself for less strain on your body
- Setting up your Desk for success- Ergonomics advice to help you feel awesome
- Developing Healthy Habits and maintaining them while using electronic devices, travelling, working out and about.
- The Best stretches and exercises to stretch your tight muscles, switch on anti-slouching muscles, relieve soreness and improve your posture.
I promise you’ll take away heaps of useful tips and tools you can use immediately to help your body feel less tense and more energised.
If you can’t wait and are keen to get started today, you can access my favourite 4 Desk exercises for free on my website
And follow me on Facebook and Instagram @Workstationwellnessphysio
On LinkedIn @kymsiddons

My name’s Kym Siddons and I’m a physiotherapist on a mission…
…to empower everyday people to maximise their health and wellbeing at work, in their study and ‘downtime’ by equipping and empowering them with effective exercises, great posture, positioning & productivity techniques, optimal ergonomics and inspire healthy habits so they are ‘fit’ to live the active life they dream of!
For many years I worked and travelled with elite athletes such as the Australian Women’s Cricket Team, Australian and QLD Women’s Waterpolo teams as an APA Sports Physiotherapist.
I’m now also a mum of 3 and when I moved with my husband and young family to Adelaide (Australia) a few years back, I started work in a sports injury clinic in the city…
Working family-friendly hours saw me applying my expertise in injury prevention and rehabilitation to the ‘occupational athletes’ I now saw streaming in from surrounding offices.
I noticed that desk workers and students also suffered from overuse injuries, just of a different nature.
So I got my certification in Occupational Health Physiotherapy and combined all my skills to educate and inspire my clients, particularly those who sit at a desk a lot, with amazing results…
I was astounded by the impact that a little ergonomic education, regular postural changes and specific exercises made in reducing people’s pain, improving their posture, boosting their health and their outlook on life.
Now I am committed to spreading the message further to help more people…
To help them journey towards less pain and stiffness, better posture and flexibility, improved metabolism and concentration and to combat the serious side-effects of sitting at a desk!
I want more people to discover how ‘little things, done regularly, can help them feel their best and achieve their best at their desk & beyond!’