Physical Movement can have you at your best!

Ladies, Do you often feel stiff, sore and sluggish while working away for hours on end at your computer? ☹ Sadly, you’re not alone.   Even worse, feeling this way becomes many people’s ‘Normal’.  Yet it doesn’t have to be that way!  The strain, drain and pain of...

The Natural Laws of Business

Change was coming. Isaac could feel it in the air as he sat beneath the branches of a big apple tree. This time of year the sun still had its warm glow but you could feel the crisp chill of autumn just below the surface, like a fish you know lies in the dark hollows...

A Call to Innovation through Thought Leadership

Women in Business Did you know that while women in business continue to be the fastest growing sector in many countries – there’s ONE thing that can paralyse and keep us playing small so that we don’t stand up and speak up to get our message out in a much bigger way? ...